Useful information for PhD students

For PhD students and researchers in mathematics education, the ERME organisation is important. See its website for the information of their conferences and events for PhD students (YERME). There is a YouTube Channel of YERME related events.

Below, you will find links to webinars and lectures which the PhD Board considers useful for beginning and advanced PhD students. If the description is in Czech, the event is in Czech. All others are in English.

Webinář na téma akčního výzkumu a design-based research v oborových didaktikách, který vedl R. Švaříček 31. 3. 2022.

">Webinář na téma případových studií a důležitosti výběru vhodné teorie, který vedl D. Dvořák dne 28. 6. 2022.

">Webinář K. Starého "Začínáme s MAXQDA". (Program MAXQDA má stejné využití jako Atlas.ti, tedy webinář může být přínosný i pro ty, kteří chtějí pracovat v Atlas.ti.)

">Webinář K. Starého "MAXQDA pro mírně pokročilé".

Arthur Bakker: Writing Journal Article.

Mario Sanchez Aguilar: Literature Reviews in Mathematics Education Research.

Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs: The Role of Theory in a Research Framework.

Uffe T. Jankvist: On mathematics education research journals.

Tamsin Meaney: So you´ve got reviewers´ comments, what do you do now?

Anna Baccaglini Frank: Navigating the treacherous waters of interdisciplinary research: crossing boundaries between mathematics education and psychology.

Anna Sfard: Learning about human learning.

Ola Helenius: Writing reviews: How to approach it and how can it help you to write better papers.

Pöhler-Friedrich: Conceptual and lexical learning trajectories and learning pathways for percentages.

Ulrika Ryan: Mathematics classroom talk in a migrating world - synthesizing epistemological aspects.

Kirstin Erath: Explaining as mathematical discursive practices - analysis of whole-class discussions in differect micro-cultures.

Giulia Bini: Challenge accepted: The journey of mathematical memes from social media to the mathematics classroom.

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